Hal API Index

The API offers a means to get information from HalSail in a way that can be consumed programmatically. It does not offer any way to alter what is in the HalSail database. No authentication is necessary, this is a public API.

All requests are made using the GET HTTP verb to https://old.halsail.com/HalApi. Each request returns a JSON object.

The following requests are available:
GetClasses/ID where ID is the integer key to a club. The ID is available on the Your details page in the menu under your email address once logged in. It returns a list of racing classes (fleets) used by this club showing:
  • Class name
  • Series name
  • Race name
  • Start date and time
  • Any race notes
  • RaceID - an integer you can use to request more details
GetSchedule/ID where ID is the integer key to a club. The ID is available on the Your details page in the menu under your email address once logged in. It returns a list of scheduled races showing:
  • Class name
  • Series name
  • Race name
  • Start date and time
  • Any race notes
  • RaceID - an integer you can use to request more details
GetEvents/ID where ID is the integer key to a club. It returns a list of events showing:
  • EventID
  • Event name
  • Event notes
  • The URL of the event web site
GetScheduleForEvent/ID where ID is the integer key to an event. It is similar to the GetSchedule request but limits its return to a list of scheduled races in the event:
  • Class name
  • Series name
  • Race name
  • Start date and time
  • Any race notes
  • RaceID - an integer you can use to request more details
GetSeries/ID where ID is the integer key to a series. The ID is the same as the one for public access to series results and is available from the Results / Get public links menu. It returns:
  • ClassID - an integer you can use to request more details
  • Series name
  • Any series notes
  • Trophy name
  • Series switches (show boat type, show helm, etc)
  • A list of results giving in each case BoatID, RaceID, ElapsedSeconds (or place if a level race), Handicap (floating point number), Guest Helm, Guest Crew, Notes, Status (OK, RET, OCS, etc) and StatusSupplment. You can get details of the boat and race with other requests.
GetSeriesResult/ID where ID is the integer key to a series. The ID is the same as the one for public access to series results and is available from the Results / Get public links menu. It returns all the results of a series:
  • Series name
  • Class name
  • A list of all the overall results, boat by boat
  • Individual results for each race, boat by boat
GetClass/ID where ID is the integer key to a racing class. It returns:
  • Class name
  • Flag
  • Any class notes
  • Type of handicap (PY, IRC, level, etc)
  • List of BoatIDs in the class
GetBoat/ID where ID is the integer key to a boat. It returns:
  • Sail number
  • Bow number
  • Helm
  • Crew
  • Owner
  • Club - the name of the club the boat's owner belongs to
  • Notes
  • A list of handicaps in each class
GetRace/ID where ID is the integer key to a race. It returns:
  • Start time
  • Race switches
  • RO name
  • Wind
  • Status (provisional, validated, not yet sailed, cancelled, abandoned)
  • Weight (normally 100%, but could be 200% for a medal race)
GetDiscards/ID where ID is the integer key to a series. It returns:
  • List of number of races sailed versus number of races to count
GetScoreBases/ID where ID is the integer key to a series. It returns:
  • List of result status versus scoring (points for non-finishing scores such as RET, OCS, etc.)
GetStandardBoatTypes/ID. It returns:
  • List of boat types and their standard handicaps in any of PY, NHC, Small Cat and ASY schemes
GetParticipation/ID. It returns:
  • List of boats in club with ClubID ID and the races they have taken part in