History of HalSail

Spring 2014 Decision taken to implement the long-standing goal of making a web-based version of HAL's Race Results.
1 Nov 2014 Beta testing began for members of local clubs.
3 Mar 2015 Formal announcement of HalSail to those that use HAL's Race Results.
During 2015 Gradual introduction of new features, including:
  • standard handicap dictionary for PY, NHC and Small Cat Schemes;
  • uploading boats from Excel spreadsheet;
  • cross-tab display of boats and classes;
  • calculation of start times for pursuit races.
  • Amended algorithm for NHC calculations, as per the latest method from the RYA.
  • Analysis of handicap performance and uploading of PY results to the RYA database
  • Start sequence, RORC points system and improved calendar page.
During 2016 Gradual introduction of new features, including:
  • 2016 RYA Portsmouth numbers and Small Cat Scheme handicaps.
  • New version of the input results screen optimised for the small screens found on phones. Click the "Now" button against a sail number as the boat crosses the finish line to insert its time automatically.
  • Upload your results to Hal's Archive Service (previously known as Hal's Club Results Service) so that they remain available on the web even when you have deleted them from HalSail.
  • Show results for most recent day of races in sequence on a large screen. Each set of results is shown for a few seconds, followed by the next in a repeating slide show.
  • Improved Twitter access including ability to send tweets with your own club handle
During 2017 Improvements, including:
  • Made fully compatible with Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 - 2020.
  • 2017 RYA Portsmouth numbers and Small Cat Scheme handicaps.
  • Inclusion of the UFD penalty for being on the course side of the starting line after flag Uniform has been displayed.
  • Allow public access to results to be embargoed, while keeping access for users who are logged in. This can be used to avoid the public seeing results that are not yet complete, or results that have not yet been scrutinised.
  • ORC triple number scoring with different handicaps for low, medium and high wind strengths.
  • Alternative names at the class level for the different types of handicap, e.g. the RYA_PY handicap for a class could be relabelled Club Handicaps.
  • Result status codes DPI and FNE added. A boat with status DPI counts as a finisher and is allocated a number of points that you specify, irrespective of its placing. A boat with status FNE does not count as a finisher and is allocated a number of points that you specify which it is not allowed to discard.
  • Time penalty status codes added. These only apply to handicap results. A boat with status PTA is given a fixed time penalty of a number of seconds you allocate. A boat with status PTP is given a percentage time penalty which you allocate.
  • More facilities added to use selection flags, as allocated to each boat in the Boat Register. Selection flags might be used for such purposes as:
    • G: Gold fleet member
    • S: Silver fleet member
    • L: Helmed by a lady
    You can filter boats in results and entry lists by selection flag. The meaning of each single-character flag can be allocated using a tool in the Boat Register.
3 January 2018
  • ECHO handicaps updated automatically after each race using the "blend" of old and new handicap specified for the particular series.
  • The user who input or edited each result is recorded, so that when you edit a result you can see who last updated it.
  • POST js reload bug cured when inputting RO name and weather and on adding a boat to a set of results.
  • New series in Schedule menu changed to a popup modal to choose the class, rather than a full page.
15 January 2018
  • Australian Sailing Yardsticks (ex VYC) standard handicaps incorporated.
6 February 2018
  • Better means of changing race start times and editing finish times on a phone.
15 March 2018
  • 2018 RYA Portsmouth numbers and Small Cat Scheme handicaps incorporated.
  • Better display of corrected time on results viewed on a phone when ALR is not in use.
  • Bug fix when altering the start time on the first race of a new series.
3 April 2018
  • Events added
  • Several improvements to the way handicaps are edited in the CrossTab table.
16 May 2018
  • Bug affecting handicap analysis of tandem series corrected.
25 June 2018
  • Bug affecting download of .hrrx file that includes events corrected.
  • Default email switched to HalSailDotCom@Gmail.com with Oauth2 integration to the Google API
  • Individual races in a series can be given names, in addition to being Race 1, Race 2 and so on.
14 July 2018
  • Improvements to way results are displayed on tablets and phones.
30 July 2018
  • Cure bug that caused new club registrants to go to the wrong page when confirming their account.
  • Use SignalR to send progress updates for file load and save operations.
  • Email a one-time token before allowing any user to delete all club data, or overwrite it with a file upload, or load demo data.
  • Can add a race note when choosing races on phones, except for the smallest screens.
  • Use a plain gif for any class flag whose image is not in the system.
5 September 2018
  • Start to use Visual Studio 2017.
  • Improvements to the page used to pre-select boats when inputting results on the committee boat or at the start line using a phone:
    • The number of competitors appears at the top and bottom, so that you can see immediately how many boats should be there.
    • More details are given of each boat, so that you can be sure you have the correct one.
  • Event pages simplified and made more intuitive.
  • Simplified general archive public link to /Result/Club/1234 in addition to /Result/PublicByClub/1234
  • When sending multiple emails, they go out as bcc copies rather than individual emails to each recipient.
  • Sailing secretaries can now compose and send an email to all the boats in one or more racing classes, or an event.
  • The help popover links now react to a click on tablet devices as well as popping up when you touch them with the mouse on other devices.
2 October 2018
  • Cured bug that prevented Twitter tweets from going out and upped the max length to 280 characters. Added the ability to add bespoke # tags.
18 October 2018
  • Cured bug that reset min wind speed wrongly when filling in the details of a race.
5 November 2018
  • Display latest results (File menu) launches a sequence of web pages showing all the races for a particular club on the last day of racing. It is designed for displaying on a large screen for public view. It now includes races that have no results yet, so that results will appear as soon as they are entered.
  • Altered the way public results fit into a frame on another web site. The results now fill the frame more completely than they did before.
10 December 2018
  • Procedure to archive results updated and made more intuitive. It is now more difficult to choose the wrong archive and thus over-write existing archived results by mistake.
  • Adjusted the procedure for uploading results to the RYA PY Online database to allow for its change to use a secure connection (https).
3 January 2019
  • Improvements to the way results are shown on a big screen, sequencing between all the races on a particular day each shown for 15 seconds.
14 January 2019
  • Improvements to the Crosstab and Calendar pages to give more information about each item when you hover the mouse.
  • Added a new common scheme to the scoring panel for non-finishers when editing a series to bring it more into line with the defaults in RRS.
  • Fixed a bug that meant that when a boat was duplicated the new boat did not have its class membership copied across.
  • Fixed a bug in the handicap performance analysis by type of boat that meant that the type statistics were wrong where there was only one boat of a particular type.
18 January 2019
  • Fixed a bug in the BL class library that prevented archiving any data if there was a class flag with >5 characters anywhere in the account.
  • Fixed a bug when using progressive handicapping (NHC or ECHO) in a series with average lap racing.
23 January 2019
  • Improved the way sailing secretaries confirm entries in the cross-tab page after an RO has entered a new boat provisionally.
6 February 2019
  • Rendering of the CrossTab page in the Microsoft Edge browser improved.
  • Login changed to a popup page.
19 February 2019
  • Users can add their own style sheet to results pages by adding a parameter like ?CSS=https://www.myclubwebsite.org/styles/halstyle.css to the URL
  • Result pages on phones revised to increase the prominence of boat names
5 March 2019
  • New RYA Portsmouth Yardstick numbers for 2019 incorporated into the standard boat dictionary.
  • New SCHRS numbers incorporated into the standard boat dictionary.
  • Removed the menu bar from the top of all public pages, eg public results, public calendar, public race list.
  • Public result sequence display now marks cancelled or abandoned races as such and shows them for only 5 seconds.
12 March 2019
  • Repaired bug that prevented tandem races being uploaded to an archive.
1 April 2019
  • Public entry forms for events available.
26 April 2019
  • Bug fix to calculation of extreme performers in NHC handicap races.
21 May 2019
  • iFrameResizer added to the public results page so that it can be called from any page that hosts results in an iframe.
  • Switch added to the Schedule / Edit series page to show or not to show sail numbers on results.
  • A copy is sent to the user when sending results emails.
  • Composing emails to members of a class, or to notify about new results, updated.
  • Users logging in as race officers no longer receive warning if the account is about to expire.
24 July 2019
  • All NuGet packages brought up to date.
  • New public results page for an event. Available from the Results / Get public links menu
  • Improvement to way result emails are sent from big screen devices and new facility to send emails from phones.
  • Improvements to the way handicaps are analysed. NHC and ECHO handicap changes incorporated into same pages.
  • Better dialogue when adding a new race by clicking an empty space on the calendar page.
  • Show boat names, rather than sail numbers, when inputting results on a phone if the ShowSailNumber switch for the series is off and the ShowBoatName switch is on.
  • Send an invoice to club admins from the Club/AllClubs page or the HalAdmin/Invoice page.
  • Go straight to the dashboard when log in with a phone.
  • Warning about entering boats in level (non-handicap) races in the order they crossed the finish line added to the page where you enter results.
  • Embargo policy of 10 minutes after last entry changed to 5 minutes after the last result was entered.
  • Error when pre-selecting boats with no sail number on a phone corrected.
  • Dialog in HalAdmin.AllClubs to set the discount for a club. Pay and Invoice routines updated to reflect any discounts.
1 August 2019
  • Cured bug that meant that guest helm and crew did not appear on phone results pages.
2 October 2019
  • Popup dialog to delete a club in the AllClubs Hal Admin page.
  • ORC triple-number handicaps for light, medium and heavy winds.
  • Many improvements to way boats are loaded from an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Can now add and delete racing classes from the cross-tab page.
  • Time to win page for handicap races showing which boats could still win the race after at least one boat has finished.
  • Removed SQL to confirm a new user. Added the confirmation token field to the webpages_Membership model.
  • Allow users to store the realigned handicaps after any race for a progressive class (ECHO or NHC) not just the last race of the series. Users can store them to the same class or another one.
  • Allow users to choose which races to include when copying a series or making a tandem series.
  • Return to correct class in Boat/BoatsInClass after deleting a boat.
22 October 2019
  • ReCaptcha added to register club page to discourage robots.
  • Warning given when the number of races in a series is greater than 52 and you try to archive your results. The archive server does not accept series longer than 52 races, so those series will not appear in your archived results.
  • Copy boats from an existing class when creating a new racing class
  • Results in iframe should not show top menu row, even if the user is signed in on another tab
  • Ability to put your club banner, left-hand logo and right-hand logo on the top of all public results pages
  • Ability to put your event banner, left-hand logo and right-hand logo on the top of all public results pages to override any club banner or logo
  • When setting a result status to RDG, can choose whether the boat should count as a competitor in the race or not
21 November 2019
  • Staggered starts for races when boats do not all start together.
  • Go to history when logging into wip2 or beta sites.
  • Corrected bug that prevented archiving results if the archive password contained a non-alphanumeric character.
  • Corrected bug in tandem results for a level race when the base race was a handicap one and two boats tied with the same corrected times.
28 December 2019
  • Improvements to the way you schedule races on the Schedule menu and the Calendar.
  • Corrected bug that meant there was no way to set the alt name of a race.
  • Corrected bug that meant there was no way to change the start time of a race that had results.
  • Improvements to the way you edit the details of a series and its races to make it more responsive and intuitive.
  • Allow users to set up a default set of discards, scoring and switches for new series. Set these defaults on a new page under the Schedule menu.
  • Changed popovers from activating on hover to on click.
4 January 2020
  • Corrected bug that prevented you listing the series in an event if a series had no races.
  • Round NHC and ECHO realigned handicaps to 3 decimal places before copying them for new series or to a new class.
  • See and print a receipt for any payment you have made to HalSail.
14 January 2020
  • Added QR code generator to the public links page. Use this to print out QR codes that people can scan with their phones or tablets.
  • When a race's results are embargoed, show the results of races in the series up to the embargoed race, rather than embargoing the entire series.
2 February 2020
  • Corrected bug that removed the tandem race switch when a series was edited.
  • Trim the login email and password prior to attempting to use them.
  • Improvements to the Series Winners page to give the first three boats overall, rather than just the winner, and to show more information about each boat.
17 March 2020
  • Corrected bug that allowed a series to be set up without any entries in the ScoreBase table on 16 February 2020
  • Parse class flag names so that Numeral 1, or Code A are displayed correctly.
  • Put message on race printout if embargoed.
  • Latest standard handicaps for RYA PY and SCHRS schemes added.
  • Allow users to download an Excel file of the results of a series. Linked from the review series page.
  • Allow users to download an Excel file of boat details, either boats in a particular racing class with their latest handicaps, or all boats with no handicap information.
  • Made the start date for updated handicaps much more prominent on the UpdateStandardHandicaps page
31 March 2020
  • Added test to register club to prevent users inputting names that attempt to be links, etc
  • Use MailChimp API to get the list of recent bulletins.
  • Cured bug that meant that guest helms and crews marked for the overall results of a series did not get uplifted to the archive service (CRS)
  • Can copy a handicap value and date to other boats of the same type. Accessed from the boat editing page.
  • Added a note to invoices sent from the Club/AllClubs Hal admin page warning if the invoice has been sent to more than one recipient, because there are multiple club admins for the account.
  • Allow users to download an Excel file of races, either in a particular event, or all races for their club.
  • Allow users to upload an Excel file of races and add them to the schedule.
1 June 2020
  • Calculate results by helm, rather than by boat. This includes guest helms, so is useful where helms frequently swap boats during a series.
  • Importing boats from an Excel spreadsheet rewritten to avoid using the VB procedures from HRR.
  • Operation SCORE. All results pages re-written to avoid using VB procedures from HRR.
  • Operation SCORE. Analyse Hcaps rewritten to avoid using VB procedures from HRR.
25 June 2020
  • Make the return URL work on login after a user attempts to access a page for which he is not authorised.
  • Make an Excel spreadsheet of series winners in an event
  • Gather more details when an RO adds a new boat provisionally on a phone
  • Cured several bugs in the event entry system
6 July 2020
  • Ability to import boats from SailEvent.
  • Cured bug that stopped emails being sent to participants in a sery or in the last race.
19 July 2020
  • Title sheet added to Excel files of series results.
  • Cured bug that meant no emails went to boats with results in a sery, or in the last race in a sery. Only to all boats in the class.
22 July 2020
  • Outgoing emails sent by a more secure route, rather than Gmail.
1 August 2020
  • Corrected time included on public results pages for smaller devices (phones) in average lap racing
5 August 2020
  • Put boat names on round sheets if ShowBoatName switch set for the series
  • Put boat types on round sheets if ShowBoatType switch set for the series
  • Major clear out of actions and models from before operation Score
20 August 2020
  • New entry in the Results menu to show all the times a guest helm has sailed any boat.
  • Further integration with SailEvent. Automatically preselect those boats that have tallied out in SailEvent when an RO uses his phone or tablet to preselect boats taking part in a race.
1 September 2020
  • Allow users to import boats from a Hal file (.hrrx file), as well as from spreadsheets and SailEvent
  • Further integration with SailEvent. If the boat has tallied out with a different helm or crew from the normal ones, put them in as guest helm or crew in the results.
14 October 2020
  • More control of how individual boats are imported from Hal files and spreadsheets. Can decide whether each boat is new, or an update to an existing boat, or a new boat with the same sail number as an existing boat.
  • Save the computed handicaps from progressive series (ECHO or NHC) for use in future series from the handicap analysis page.
  • The address of the currently logged-in user is automatically added to the recipients when sending out result emails.
  • Button added at the top of public results pages to scroll to the last race.
  • Captcha robot detection checkbox added to the register-new-club page. This is to prevent robots creating dummy accounts.
4 November 2020
  • Improvements to the way results are input in real time on a phone or tablet.
1 January 2021
  • Reinstated the welcome page when a user logs into an account with no data in it.
  • Add WhatsApp to the email and Twitter options when sending results from a phone.
  • Allow users to specify a tie between boats in a level race on a phone (as they can already on a laptop or desktop).
  • Invoices can be sent as pdf documents
  • New result status abbreviation NSC (did not sail the course) added, as per Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024
  • High-points scoring added to complement the standard low-points system set out in Racing Rules of Sailing Appendix A.
    This FAQ shows details of all the scoring systems available.
  • Countdown page added to phone app showing time remaining to next flag raising or lowering event.
31 January 2021
  • Changed the routine to send results to the archive (ex CRS) to direct access to the database, not using CRSIF.
  • Improved the way your results are sent to the Hal archive server.
  • New video of how to spring clean your HalSail account ready for a new season.
10 February 2021
  • Cured bug that meant that series ties with HP or RORC scoring had wrong rank
  • ROs can tally boats out and assign guest helms and/or crews on a full-size screen, not just phones.
16 February 2021
  • Cured bug that meant that caused an exception if class flag was null when showing countdown page.
  • Selector explanations shown as tooltips on result pages and at the bottom of the page
24 February 2021
  • Allow race officers to import results from a spreadsheet.
  • Add a new series switch to show boat notes on result pages.
  • New page to list competitors assigned as guest helms and crews for a race
  • Race notes to show in header page of public results. Main use is to add a reason for cancelled races, such as "Gale force winds"
12 March 2021
  • Scrolling on BigScreen displays
  • Cured bug that caused exception when showing results of a sery where the ScoreBase table was incomplete. Still don't know why it is not always set up when sery is created, but is now completed the first time results are comuted.
23 March 2021
  • Result status TLE (Time limit expired) added
  • BigScreen display for an event.
  • Start delay in staggered starts can now be input to the nearest second, not just whole minutes.
6 April 2021
  • Series with embargo status set to Hidden_AlwaysEmbargo are completely hidden from public view. They do not appear in drop-downs to choose results on the public pages.
  • When loading participants in a race that have tallied out in SailEvent, match boat type as well as sail number.
  • Export pursuit race start times to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Cured bug in count-down page on phones that showed the wrong time once summer time came into force.
  • The ShowError page modified so as not to send long parameter strings and cause further errors.
7 May 2021
  • Allow race officers to add missing boats provisionally on their phones, if permitted by their account's settings.
  • Cured bug when updating the score bases for old series that were missing some entries.
13 May 2021
  • Restored top left and right logos on public result pages and on event pages
  • Dictionary of log items
7 June 2021
  • Set limit of 200 results in an introductory account before payment.
  • Add class flag to round sheets.
  • Improved way to show results, or any other web pages, on a large screen.
  • Added popup to enter results page reminding users which races have been selected.
  • Cured bug when users entered BowText over 10 characters. Ditto for SailText (20 chars) and RacingClass flags (10 chars).
29 June 2021
  • Optional parameter 'HideOverall' added to public results (eg, https://www.HalSail.com/Result/Public/1234?HideOverall) to hide the overall results of a series.
  • Round sheets (spotter sheets) can be produced with and without columns for each round.
  • Changed the contact phone number to the Vodafone mobile (07880 520672).
  • Acknowledge previous payments on emails sending invoices, or emphasise that it is an introductory account.
  • Cured bug that lost guest helm or crew when updating result status on a phone.
  • Caching duration for public results extended to 2 minutes.
11 August 2021
  • Racing class and series names added to printouts of individual race results.
  • When importing boats from a spreadsheet, boat notes are concatenated with the old notes on update.
  • Cured bug in results with time penalties (PTA or PTP codes).
18 August 2021
  • Race officers and other people that are logged in can see embargoed results.
23 November 2021
  • Result printouts for individual races, all races on a particular day and overall series rankings downloaded as pdf files, rather than being printed directly from the web pages.
  • IRC ratings downloaded daily from the RORC database and used as standard handicaps in IRC classes.
  • Improvements to the way standard handicaps from RYA PY, NHC, Small Catamaran Scheme and Australian Sailing Yardsticks are displayed and used.
1 January 2022
  • Improvements to archiving. You no longer need to set up an archive account separately. That is now done automatically in HalSail,
  • Timestamps at the bottom of printouts and pdfs corrected for timezones different from that of the server.
  • Improvement to Club/All page to allow one-click payments
  • Anybody can pay with Stripe as long as they have the correct UserID in the link. Test for an admin user removed.
18 January 2022
  • Cured bug that showed sail number rather then boat name in certain public results pages on phones.
22 February 2022
  • Added ability for race officers to cancel or abandon races from the Results / Choose races screen. Ditto on phone screens by clicking the same button as is used to change the race start time.
  • When preselecting competitors on the Results / Choose races screen you can now copy the selections from the previous race in the series. This helps when several races take place on one day and you expect the same boats to take part in them all with the same guest helms and crews.
  • Delete all button added to page that shows boats that are not in a racing class and page of boats with no results, avoiding the need to delete them one at a time.
  • Ability to set the number of places to show on the Series Winners page
  • Ability to enter and edit race notes from the Choose Races screen on a desktop or laptop.
  • Max width of xs screen increased to 821 px so as to incorporate later iPads in portrait mode.
  • Ability to unsubscribe a user from general emails. Invoices not sent to unsubscribed admin users, unless there are no club admins that are still subscribed.
20 April 2022
  • Upload all eligible races to the RYA PY Online website in one go, rather than one race at a time.
  • Increased the maximum number of archived result sets from 10 to 20.
  • Receipts for payments are pdf version
  • SignalR progress shown when emailing users from the Hal admin menu
  • Cured bug that stopped users deleting other users unless there were two club admins, not just one
  • Improved speed of public results page for clubs with large numbers of racing classes and series.
31 May 2022
  • Race notes propagate from the base race to a tandem race, unless overridden by notes in the tandem race itself.
  • A warning is given if you try to import results from a spreadsheet or csv file and any of the sail numbers are not recognised. Before the result was ignored with no warning.
  • Enforce secure connection (https://, not http://) in URLs for club banners and logos. This is because modern browsers will not show insecure images on otherwise secure pages.
28 June 2022
  • Cured bug that meant you could not copy a series to the same class with the same races, but later. Thought you were trying to create a tandem series that duplicated the base series.
  • Notification given of any boats that are skipped when uploading results from a spreadsheet.
  • Allow uploading of boat Config from a spreadsheet.
  • Clubs that are in the European Union have the subscription price quoted in Euros. If they are not registered for VAT, they now have VAT added to the price at the appropriate rate for their country. American clubs have the subscription price quoted in US$.
13 July 2022
  • Stripe test accounts used for several demo clubs. These can now pay their subscriptions using Stripe test credit cards without actually costing money.
  • Copy all invoices sent out to sales@halsail.com
  • Export racing class list to a spreadsheet. Importing from a spreadsheet will follow shortly.
30 August 2022
  • QR code added to the HalSail home page for users to scan on their phones to add the HalSail app to their home screen.
  • Made the page that shows a sequence of results on a big screen degrade gracefully if there are too many pages in the sequence. If there would otherwise be too many, it cuts out individual race results and only shows overall series results.
  • Updated procedures for importing things from spreadsheets and csv files. You can import racing classes, add races and series to the schedule, import boats and import results. In each case the system reads the spreadsheet and shows a preview of what is there and how it will affect the data in your account. You can then choose to go ahead, or remove one or more of the items before importing, or cancel the whole operation.
  • Cured bug that prevented users applying bespoke style sheets to their public results.
  • Added a Telegram share button to the Web, print, email, tweet page in the Results menu.
  • Pdf files made from result pages now include the selector parameter, so you can print out just the results of boats with a certain selector.
8 September 2022
  • Added google GA4 to the analytics js call.
  • Send copies of receipts to all club admins.
  • Google analytics GA4 script added.
13 September 2022
  • Cured bug that prevented you sending emails to boats, either from the Boats menu or from a particular event.
  • Cured bug affecting the loading of level race results from a csv file.
  • Google analytics GA4 events added with conversions for uploading to PYOnline.
7 November 2022
  • New layout for home page on both full-size devices and phones with a picture background
  • Result printouts open as pdf in new browser tag, rather than downloading to a folder on the user's computer
21 November 2022
  • Download handicap analysis results and turnout analysis to a spreadsheet.
  • Warning on logged-in home page if subscription will expire within 35 days. Automatically redirect to the payment page if any user attempts to login to an expired account.
21 November 2022
  • Download handicap analysis results and turnout analysis to a spreadsheet.
  • Warning on logged-in home page if subscription will expire within 35 days. Automatically redirect to the payment page if any user attempts to login to an expired account.
3 January 2023
  • Improve speed of public results pages by encoding class and series drop-downs without callbacks. Cache all public output pages on both server and client for 5 minutes.
  • YTC fully supported as a basic type of handicap, rather than relying on PY handicaps with local name YTC. You can choose YTC as the type of handicap for any racing class.
  • Set up a new tandem series directly from the Schedule menu.
10 February 2023
  • Use Hangfire to schedule IRC downloads and to send emails using AuthSMTP.
  • Cured bug that prevented race officers switching between entering clock times and stopwatch times.
9 March 2023
  • Cured bug that uploaded non-finishers to the PYOnline website.
  • Cured bug in handicap analysis that included poor performers in the boat stats and the boat type stats.
23 March 2023
  • Participants now downloaded into the tally table from SailEvent by event, not by series name.
  • Added api to send a sailor's scoring abbreviation from SailEvent to HalSail when they tally in
3 April 2023
  • Upload results to Irish Sailing's SailEvent website
12 May 2023
  • Revised look and improved speed for pages users that are not logged in.
20 June 2023
  • Use a KeyCDN content delivery network to show public result pages, including big screen.
  • Stopped sailors registering for an event from seeing phone numbers and email addresses of other sailors by typing in a sail number.
  • Stopped timeouts when collecting tallies from SailEvent from causing debug errors and stopping ROs from inputting results.
  • Updated on 20230622 to cure bug that caused an exception when the selection flags field for a boat was null
5 July 2023
  • Added panel at bottom of public results page to filter by selector
  • Added logos URLs to the upload to Irish Sailing's SailEvent website
  • Cured bug that marked races that were embargoed as No result yet when a non-logged-in user tried to display them
15 August 2023
  • Scoring penalties for SCP, XPA and ZFP continue to default to 20%, but can be varied if needed.
  • Improvements to loading racing classes, boats, schedule of races and results from Excel or csv files, including allowing for the data not being in the first spreadsheet in the workbook.
  • Prevent users adding a new race to a series with the same start time as another race in the series.
  • Default RDG set to RDG2 - average all races except DNC, rather than the previous RDG4 - 2nd place.
  • Added links to the latest results in each racing class to the public links page.
  • Cured intermittent bug that resulted in a database error with two results with the same RaceID and HcapID.
  • Cured bug that caused race status set to no results yet when an embargoed race was displayed.
16 August 2023
  • Cured bug introduced at last update that prevented users uploading a csv file of classes, boats, races or results.
5 September 2023
  • Public results show all the races in a series, even if none have been sailed. Previously it just showed a message saying there were no results for that series.
  • Send invoices, rather than quotations, to clubs that have previously paid a subscription.
  • Emails from the contact page to cc the email address of the person that completed the online form. This helps reply correctly to the user.
  • Cured bug that stopped users saving handicaps of ECHO and NHC races from the Analyse Handicaps page
  • Remove tallies that are more than a week old automatically each night.
15 October 2023
  • New option to download results by helm to an Excel spreadsheet. This is a new checkbox popup on the edit results page.
  • Delete all DNC results every night using Hangfire.
  • There is a new icon at the top of the winners page to download series winners to a csv file. A csv file is made directly from the page in your browser, rather than recalculating all the results back on the server. You can open the csv file in Excel if you wish to format it.
1 November 2023
  • RDF scoring abbreviation added - Redress Given as a Finisher. Similar to DPI in that the boat counts as a finisher and is given a place, but its score is set to the points specified by a protest panel or jury.
  • National flags. There is a new option to show a picture of the flag corresponding to the national authority letters shown on a boat's sails, as per RRS Appendix G. This is controlled by a new series switch called show/hide country flag. If this switch is set on, a small picture of the national flag is shown next to the boat's sail number on public result pages.
  • Scoring a series by helm is only meaningful if some of the boats have been sailed by guest helms. The button to score by helm is now only shown if at least one boat has been helmed by a guest in at least one race.